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Eroticism in Pompeii
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Eroticism in Pompeii

Antonio Varone

J. Paul Getty Museum
120 pages, 8 1/2 x 9 3/4 inches
105 color illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-628-6
hardcover, $30.00  Order

"Replendent with over 100 color illustrations ... provides an objective introduction into an often overlooked aspect of Roman history."
History in Review


The ancient Romans—a society apparently unburdened by the notion of prudery—practiced and portrayed a diverse array of sexual activities. This book sheds light on the ways eroticism appeared in the resort city of Pompeii by combining excerpts from the authors of the time, especially Martial, with erotic sculptures and frescoes discovered at the site. Beautiful color images of artwork from Pompeii accompany chapters on public, private, and sacred erotic displays, as well as ironic depictions and parodies.

Antonio Varone is an archaeologist who directs excavation projects at Pompeii.

For sale in North America only.

Price: $30.00  Order

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